Friday, February 15, 2008

Balls like a Brass Monkey

Some people go through life without ever taking any chances. I feel very sorry for these people because without risk there is no reward. The person who is handed everything without doing anything has no idea about how good it feels to earn their own way. The ones in life who take chances are the ones who are success full. No other way. I have seen people who never even take a lead off so to speak , never take there foot off first base, just be fed whatever comes there way without even ever taking a chance whole lifetimes. These are not my kind of people. I am a risk taker. My associates are risk takers. My good friend and partner Greg is the best example of this and that is why I work with him. He has Balls like a Brass monkey and that to me is the very most admirable quality in man. The whiskey will always taste much better for the guy who risks and wins.

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