Wednesday, February 13, 2008

All Hat No Cattle

In my position as a fund Raiser,/ investment relations manager/ Business developer, I tend to find many people who talk a good game. People tend to say one thing and do another. This is for sure not how I was taught to do Business. After more than 25 years of work experience on the Trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, I was taught that your word is your bond period nothing else end of story. If you say you are going to do something you do it. Unfortunately many, many people that I deal with almost on a daily basis have never even thought of this concept. They will tell you something and totally do the opposite. For me that is one of the things that makes daily life as a fund raiser/salesman extremely challenging. To say that I have been stroked, on a daily basis for many years is an understatement. Money makes people funny, all I ever need is a straight answer, yes I am interested and will invest, or want to do Business with you or, no thank you this is something that is not for me. To me as a salesman each no just gets me closer to a yes, it is a numbers game. In my humble opinion as a sales man a lot of people are really just trying to impress others and maybe even themselves. I myself have not really had that luxury since I have always enjoyed being the salesman not the prospect, but when I say I am doing something I stand by my word. The real thing is someone who puts his money where his mouth is. Way way, too many people are walking around with all hat and no cattle.

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