Thursday, January 31, 2008

Peace,Love and Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality, Peace, and Love. In our world on this Planet we call earth to be happy and truly at peace, people need to connect with other people. That is the way , no other way, we have to be there for our brothers and sisters, those are everyone who can appreciate us. If another cannot appreciate you then don't waste your time. Connecting people is what virtual worlds do best, better than face book or any of the other static web based sites. Connecting people all over the globe in a very visceral way that a back and forth e mail or even an instant message cannot. The only real equation for peace, love, and happiness in my humble opinion is to be there for someone when they need you, even if that means personal sacrifice. Being there for someone is connecting, connecting is facilitated by Virtual worlds, so Virtual worlds are godly in that respect alone. A person who connects with another, and sacrifices for them, and is there at there time of need, is a person who is at peace and knows what love means. Can you dig it?

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