Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I have been in the sales business for at least 25 years and have sold everything from woman's fashions, to high pressure water cleaners, investments to futures, nothing has gotten me so excited as the meta verse. I truly believe in what we are doing at Simuality and how we can help Businesses apply themselves in the many meta verses. We at Simuality have the best team i have ever worked with hands down. The teams strength is we are a team and work for the common good, our clients. I feel like after 30 years in the working world that I have finally found my place. I have a family of 4 children and my wife and that is the most important thing to me. After Family the most important thing is friends , i believe that it is very important to be available for them when they need me. Our company will be going to New York in April and I am very excited to be part of that trip. I have been to the middle East,Europe,Central America,Canada, California, Mexico,Seattle,Vancouver,Las Vegas,Baja,Georgia,Florida,Ohio,Indiana,Virginia,England,Minnesota,Wisconsin,Michigan,Pittsburgh PA,New Jersey, St Martin, St Lucia, Cayman Island, Curacao,Anguilla, New Orleans,Tennessee,and many other places, but never the big Apple I intend to Slay the Apple in the best sense of that word. The Picture in this Post is of a beach that I helped make, ( dredge the floor of the sea) it is at a Hotel that I syndicated and it is in Curacao. My heart will always be in Curacao and the Hotel website is www.sunset waters.com . I named it that and it is truly paradise.

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